Erin Joyce Memorial Scholarship 

The Erin Joyce Memorial Scholarship was created to honor an exceptional student-athlete. Erin embodied everything positive about our sport. She was a talented athlete, a supportive teammate and a dedicated friend. She made sure everyone was accounted for and included, making her loved by her friends and colleagues. She had a warm and infectious smile and a luminescent personality. Erin was very strong-willed and was not hesitant to stand up for what she believed in.

The purpose of the Erin Joyce Memorial Scholarship is to offer financial aid to senior ET Cross Country and/or Track & Field student-athletes in continuing their education after their four-year journey through El Toro High School. The EJMS offers two $500.00 scholarships to eligible senior students-athletes. A scholarship committee will review all qualified applications through a screening process and select one male and one female recipient. If no student-athletes meet standards, then the award will not be given. The male recipient will receive the EJMS in memory of Angel Alvarez.  Angel was also tragically taken from us in a car accident. Awards will be presented at our annual ET Track & Field banquet.

Criteria for evaluation and selection are:
• Athletic participation, leadership, and attitude in ET Cross Country and/or Track & Field.
• Academic achievement (minimum 3.0 GPA).
• Team leadership, citizenship, and participation.
• Current team member of ET Cross Country and/or Track & Field.
• Participation in ET Cross Country and/or Track & Field for at least 3 years in good standing (no team policy violations, no written warnings).

Erin Joyce Memorial Scholarship Committee Members
• Executor: Ken Chai, ET Boys and Girls Cross Country and Track & Field Head Coach
• Treasurer: Carol Bark, ET Boys and Girls Cross Country and Track & Field Coach
• Scholarship Chair: Tim Neville, Financial Planner. Chairperson does not have any input in the EJMS selection process.
• Scholarship Selection Committee: Selection Committee members and applicants’ names will be kept anonymous to keep the selection process fair. This is a five-member committee, no person on the committee has a family member on the ET Cross Country and/or Track & Field teams.

Selection will be made by this five-member committee:
• Family Member of Erin Joyce
• Retired School Teacher from Trabuco Hills HS
• Realtor in Orange County
• Physical Therapist
• Business Owner

Selection Process: Once the Application and the Letter of Recommendations are received by Coach Bark, they will be submitted without the student-athletes name to Mr. Neville the Scholarship Chairperson. Mr. Neuville will then submit those to the Scholarship Selection Committee for a vote. Coach Chai and Coach Bark have no roll in recommending or selecting recipients for the EJMS.
All funds are raised separately from El Toro Cross Country and Track & Field Programs by volunteers. No funds from the ETXC and ETTF budget are used for the EJMS. 100% of the donations are used to fund the scholarship. Donations are not used for any expenses related to the EJMS. Please donate! No amount is too large or small. Checks should be made out to Erin Joyce Memorial Scholarship. Please contact Coach Bark at if you would like to use a credit card. *All donations are tax-deductible.

*Please check with your tax adviser.

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