Mild exercise – 30-45 min of easy running to get blood flow to muscles without stress.

Hydrate with 16-24 oz of water depending on weather and your weight

Cold Water immersion – immediately after exercise if possible

Elevate legs over heart for 3-4 min before bed and first thing in the morning

Moderate to hard exercise – workout was hard but not exhausting. For example, track workout of 6x 800 or a 90+ min run that was moderately hard.

Hydrate with ~24 oz of fluid that contains 1.3 gm of carbs/kg and .4 gm of protein/kg (1 kg = 2.2 lbs) within 30 min. Chocolate milk (for non lactose intolerant athlete) is a good example, Most recovery drinks on the market all contain this ratio. Please check label for content to make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients

After an hour, load up on carbohydrate. Eat a balanced meal that delivers .75 gm of carb/kg. It is a good idea to included high quality protein, “good” fat in this meal with veggies and fruit

Most experts believe that DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) is due to glycogen (carbs) depletion and not lactic acid in your muscles. Lactic acid will dissipate within 60 minutes of hard exercise. Eating a high carb meal will help restore glycogen store and help with your soreness and recovery. Protein will stimulate and promote muscle repair and growth


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